We offer the following types:
- Courses - usually several days
- Workshops - usually shorter
Location and schedule
If not stated otherwise, all courses take place in the premises of the ZDV on Campus of Johannes Gutenberg University. Please check the precise location for the course, as the lecture rooms may vary between courses. The lecture room and lecture times will be sent to the participants in advance.
The same is valid for courses to be held online: URLs will be announced to the participants in advance.
For all course that require the use of our HPC systems, we arrange course accounts for the participants - if not stated otherwise. Please mind that the course accounts will be deleted after the course finished.
Further requirements
- Without signing up, you can't join the course.
- Please inform us as early as possible if you can't participate in your course. We reserve the right to exclude participants from future courses that didn't show up without resigning.
- Participants should be interested in HPC or expect to use HPC resources soon. Non-HPC-Users may participate, but we reserve the right to exclude those.
- Our courses and especially the Introduction to HPC require the participants to know basic shell usage. If you don't know shell programming you may want to sign up for our Bash-Intro
- The standard language is English (if not all participants are fluent in German).
- Many faculties offer the possibility to get ECTS points - details are to be asked at your faculty. The HPC-Team only offers a Certificate of attendance.
- Additional requirements are denoted at each course if applicable
A course usually needs at least 8 participants. A workshop needs at least 3 participants. If less participants sign up, we may cancel a course or a workshop.
How can I sign up for a course/workshop?
We use the Ilias-Elearning-System for our courses. Third-party courses may use other booking systems.
- It's required to log in to Ilias with a University-Account. Every HPC user has a University-Account. You can check on the Account-Website. If you don't have a University-Account:
- Employees of the Medical Department should ask their local account managers first.
- Members of external Institutions can get guest accounts. Please check the Account site of the ZDV or contact us.
- Depending on your language settings, you have to press "Beitreten" or "Join" at the selected course.
What if the course is full?
Please still sign up - there's a waiting list. Sometimes you could get a seat if somebody resigns. Anyway, the number of participants is an indicator for us to adapt our course program.
HPC-Certification Forum Links
The following table offers links to the HPC-Certification Forum. These links show the skill descriptions of the core skills that you shall learn in each course. This shall offer the possibility to compare course content with other participating institutions to find fitting courses.
Title | Content | Date | Lecturer | Room | sign up link |
Programming HPC compatible Workflows | Writing HPC compatible data analysis workflows using the Snakemake workflow system | 29.-30. January 2025 9:00-17:00 (for 2 days) | HPC-group (Meesters) | N33 | link |
MOGON Intro 101: Shell Navigation | Introduction of the Linux folder structure. Learning how to navigate in the Terminal etc | 16 Jan 2025 - 9:00-12:00 | HPC-group / Schlapp & Tretyakov | N33 | link |
MOGON Intro 102: Working Remotely | Connecting to remote servers, working with terminal | 21 Jan 2025 - 9:00-12:00 | HPC-group / Schlapp & Tretyakov | N33 | link |
MOGON Intro 103: Cluster Computing | Submitting compute jobs; some cluster background | 23 Jan 2025 - 9:00-13:00 | HPC-group / Schlapp & Tretyakov | N33 | link |
Parallel Programming with MPI and OpenMP (4-Day Workshop) | Message Passing Interface (MPI) basics and shared memory directives of OpenMP | 01-04 Apr 2025 - 8:00-18:00 | Rabenseifner (HLRS) | Meesters; Schlapp (HPC-group) | N33 | link |